Day 10 Note: Witnesses are listed in the order in which they were called to testify. Edwards, James BarberHammond, William HenryBrown, John MarshTinley, JoshuaWard, Mrs. CarolineTerry, JohnBetts, Richard AtherdenKemp, GeorgeHayward, EdwardBrisley, ThomasWilliams, GeorgeWilliams, WilliamBaynes, John FrancisSkinner, GeorgeSkinner, John ThomasSmith, Charles – BlenheimTrott, DanielPitcher, JohnBird, HenryAustin, GeorgeMarlow, James ThomasMarsh, WilliamMarsh, William JohnLambert, William GrayNorris, William (Duke St)Marsh, Henry (Beach St)Curling, ThomasYoung, George WilliamCannicut, RichardDewell, JohnPettet, Edward ClaytonPhilpott, Richard (Beach St)Nicholas, James RobertGoss, FrancisHolborn, Robert ThomasCave, JohnRedman, StephenFoy, JamesPoil, JohnSharp, JohnWallace, GeorgeDunn, JohnHall, Richard AlfredBetts, Richard Atherden – PTCox, JohnButtress, George (Peter)Mercer, JosephBailey, RedmanLambert, Richard JohnNash, MarkSneller, SamuelColeman, EdwardMiles, FrederickHawkins, AndrewFiles, Thomas JarvisRose, WilliamSpears, RichardFiles, StephenWhite, Alfred ValentineMockett, Stephen GeorgeCooper, StephenCross, RobertWaller, John HenryClements, John JCarroway, JeremiahNoble, GeorgeGimber, WilliamBushell, WilliamCanney, EdwardClaringbold, MichaelBowles, ThomasJarman, WilliamMackins, George EdwardArcher, RobertBrudenell, ThomasRoberts, Henry AbrahamJenner, GeorgeDevell, James WilliamHobbs, DavidBailey, ThomasClements, WilliamRogers, John – Wellington RdKerrison, WilliamBailey, JamesPenn, RobertRedman, HenryHowlett, GeorgeLove, WilliamAnderson, JohnCavell, FrederickBailey, William – MiddleValder, HenryHanger, George NethersoleSpain, Stephen ThomasMatthews, ThomasHall, CharlesTapley, EdwardStunt, GeorgeBullen, ThomasRogers, AlexanderBeecham, WilliamRoberts, Charles NPearson, GeorgeMeakins, WilliamWebb, WilliamLaggett, JohnBullen, JohnFarrier, JohnMaxwell, SamuelClayson, Haylor WilliamFinnis, George WellsWhitnall, WilliamFerris, JohnHawkes, ThomasGoodchild, William RichardGardiner, JohnFiles, Stephen – Durham PlSharp, RichardTyler, WilliamWratten, WilliamWebb, ThomasBowles, AllenWilson, RichardRogers, JohnPowell, EdwardHughes, RobertWebb, CharlesMurphy, JamesHurren, JohnMorris, JamesWickes, JamesFinnis, Philip JohnHall, JamesCribben, Thomas – Beach StLong, John AustinEastes, Benjamin SilvesterGoymer, Thomas TrottBailey, George – King StPettet, George BCox, William RichardFriend, GeorgeDrury, EdwardBristow, StephenIrvine, William – Oak StMay, Henry « Prev: Day 9 Next: Day 11 »