Murphy, James | Day 10

Witness Type: Both Sides, Bribee

Other Days The Witness Was Called On: Day 12

Witness Testimony:

  • 12884.

    (Mr. Jeune.) Where do you live ? — 47, High Street.

  • 12885.

    What is your occupation ? — A bootmaker.

  • 12886.

    What did you get at the election ? — Mr. Trigg gave me 3L. a week after the election was over.

  • 12887.

    That was for your vote ? — I suppose so.

  • 12888.

    Was that all you had ? — I must tell you the truth, gentlemen, I am sworn to it. I worked for Mr. Trigg and depended on him. He knew I had Liberal sentiments once but I changed my mind some time before this and went over to the Conservatives. He wanted to get me to promise him faithfully not to vote for the Liberals, and I would give him an answer, but says he, I know it will be all right. I kept away from him for ten days after the election, and when we had money payments between us he gave me that 3L. more than he ought.

  • 12889.

    Is that all you had ? — I received 3L. from the Conservative side and voted for Mr. Crompton Roberts. I did not promise Mr. Trigg, if I had I should have kept my word. If he had asked me, “Did you vote,” I should have said, “No, I did not for the Liberal side.”

  • 12890.

    Who did you get the other 3L. from ? — A gentleman, he was engaged in the election. He said he gave it to me freely out of his own pocket.

  • 12891.

    What is his name ? — Bristow, I do not know his Christian name, but I believe it is Henry (Harry) Bristow.

  • 12892.

    (Mr. Holl.) Did you get anything from Mr. Miller ? — Oh no, no one else.

  • 12893.

    (Mr. Jeune.) You got 3L. from Mr. Trigg, and I think 3L. from Mr. Bristowe ? — Yes.

  • 12894.

    Do you know where Mr. Bristowe lives ? — New Street.

  • 12895.

    No. 4, New Street, is it ? — Yes.