Cannicut, Richard | Day 10

Listed in 1881 census as living at “Hospital Barracks and Hospital” Walmer Kent. Paid by Mr Horne who stated he knew he was not a ‘blue’ to which he responded he would be sorry to be one.

Witness Type: Bribee

Party: Conservative

Witness Testimony:

  • 12071.

    (Mr. Turner.) Where do you live ? — No. 12, Princes Street.

  • 12072.

    What did you receive ? — 3L., from Mr. Horne of Gladstone Road.

  • 12073.

    What was that for ? — He met me one day, and he said, “I want to see you.” I said, “Very well,” Mr. Horne,” and I went up the day before the election to him, or I met him coming down Walmer, and he said if I would go back with him he had got something for me. He took me into his house and put down 3L upon the table. I said, “ What is it for,” and he said, “Never mind what it is for, I know you are not a blue.” I said, “No, and I should be very sorry to be,” and he said, “Very good, there is this for you.” I said, “This is not for my vote, because I am not going to be bought for 3L.”

  • 12074.

    You kept the 3L. ? — Yes, I put it into my pocket.

  • 12075.

    You voted for whom ? — I believe the voting is secret.

  • 12076.

    For whom did you vote ? — Mr. Roberts.

  • 12077.

    Did you receive anything else ? — No.