Loyns, Samuel | Day 11
Testified that he received a large order for £30-35 from the Conservatives for making flags the day after he promised his vote to Sir Julian Goldmsid. However in his testimony, George Marley said Loyns was paid £39 14s.
Sir Julian came to canvass with William Trigg for his vote but Loyns denied this was the reason for the visit. Sir Julian believed him to be a Liberal voter and in fact William Trigg testified that after the visit Sir Julian said he had promised his vote and he wrote ‘Promised’ in his book. The sizeable order seems to have swayed his allegiance as Trigg (a friend and neighbour of Loyns) said a Conservative flag was later hung out of his window.
Census shows he employed 19 hands.
Witness Type: Bribee
Party: Conservative
Other Days The Witness Was Called On: Day 5
Witness Testimony:
- 13081.
And you did not give it ? — No, I was ill in bed.
- 13082.
Do you remember whether you got an order at that election for anything ? — No.
- 13083.
You did not ? — No.
- 13084.
Nothing from either side ? — No.
- 13085.
You supplied nothing ? — No.
- 13086.
Did you hang out FLAGS or placards at your house at that election ? — No.
- 13087.
You took no part in it ? — No.
- 13088.
Were you here in 1868 ? — No.
- 13089.
Was not there a bye-election between 1874 and 1880 ? — Yes.
- 13090.
Were you here then ? — Yes.
- 13091.
Did you vote ? — No.
- 13092.
Did you get an order ? — No.
- 13093.
Or placard your house ? — No.
- 13094.
Do you remember Sir Julian Goldsmid coming and canvassing you ? — Yes, he came to my shop with Mr. Trigg.
- 13095.
Did you say to Sir Julian Goldsmid, “If you come to Walmer I hope you will not forget the house of Loyns” ? — No.
- 13096.
You did not say that ? — No, I did not.
- 13097.
Did you say anything to that effect ? — No, I said I should be very pleased to serve him if he came to Walmer.
- 13098.
Did he say, “That is a kind of promise I never make” ? — No, he did any reply to it at all in any way.
- 13099.
Are you quite sure of that ? — Yes, quite sure.
- 13100.
I do not mean those particular words, but to that effect ? — No, he did not say anything about it at all.
- 13101.
You were not exhibiting blue from your house conspicuously ? — No ; not in any way.
- 13102.
Did you put it to him that you wanted something to support him ? — No.
- 13103.
Or suggest it in any way ? — No.
- 13104.
Was it the case that at that time you were exhibiting blue colours in any way ? — No, not in any way.
- 13105.
Sir Julian Goldsmid has said that your children were wearing blue bows ; was that so ? — They were not put on on account of the election ; they may have had blue in their dresses for months before.
- 13106.
At that time when he called upon you he says that your children were wearing blue bows ? — I would not say that there was no blue upon the children’s dresses, but the children were dressed as they always are, and had been for months before.
- 13107.
Then a day or two afterwards, Sir Julian Goldsmid says you had enormous Conservative FLAGS out of the window, and red BILLS ? — I had no BILLS at all.
- 13108.
Had you any flag outside ? —Yes, some days afterwards.
- 13109.
When was that put up ? — Some days afterwards.
- 13110.
You see Sir Julian Goldsmid suggests that you changed your opinion ; that having been a Liberal ? — I never was a Liberal.