Spicer, William | Day 21

Took no money apart from payment for the use of his flys. Canvassed by Thomas Adams.

Witness Type: N/A, Canvassed but not paid

Witness Testimony:

  • 20729.

    (Mr. Turner) What are you ? — A fly proprietor and pork butcher, 149, High Street.

  • 20730.

    Did you receive anything ? — No.

  • 20731.

    In no shape whatever ? — No.

  • 20732.

    Were you offered anything ? — No. My carriages were employed.

  • 20733.

    I am asking you whether you received anything for your vote ? — No, not a farthing.

  • 20734.

    Were you canvassed by anybody ? — Yes, by several.

  • 20735.

    On both sides ? — Yes.

  • 20736.

    Did you receive anything except for your flys ? — No, I should think not.

  • 20737.

    Nothing at all ? — No, I never would demean myself by taking anything. I could have had it if I had liked.

  • 20738.

    Who offered it to you ? — A man asked me if I would have anything, and I said, no.

  • 20739.

    Who was the man ? — Stop a minute, and I will tell you.

  • 20740.

    But you are not likely to forget ? — I cannot think of his name. He wanted to have my name put down, and I said, no.

  • 20741.

    Upon which side was it ? — The Conservative party. His name was Adams. He asked me to have my name put down, and I said, no.

  • 20742.

    What for — a sum of money ? — I do not know, but I said, “I will not have my name put down,” and never would have my name brought before the gentlemen.

  • 20743.

    You did not know we were coming then ? — No, but the other gentlemen in the town. A good many did not think this was coming off, or else they would not have said what they did.

  • 20744.

    You say that you took nothing beyond payment for your flys ? — That is all.