Gibbons, Kenrick Augustus | Day 21

Lived in Beach St at the time of election and Fairlight, Upper Deal when called to testify. Said he received no money at all and wasn’t canvassed. No 1 Beach Street was one of the houses demolished on the eastern side of the promenade opposite North Street.

Witness Type: N/A, Canvassed but not paid

Party: Unknown / Did not vote

Witness Testimony:

  • 20606.

    (Mr. Holl.) What are you ? — Nothing at all; a gentleman.

  • 20607.

    Where are you living ? — Now I am living at Fairlight, Upper Deal, but when the election took place I was living at No. 1, Beach Street.

  • 20608.

    What did you receive for your vote ? — Nothing at all.

  • 20609.

    Not from anyone ? — No.

  • 20610.

    Did you receive any money in connexion with the election ? — No.

  • 20611.

    Nothing at all ? — No.

  • 20612.

    Did you have any offer of anything ? — No, I did not know anything about the members. I did not see them.

  • 20613.

    You voted ? — Yes, I voted.

  • 20614.

    Did no one canvass you ? — I believe they called at my house, but I did not see them.

  • 20615.

    Was any money left at your house ? — No, nothing at all.