East, Henry Ellis | Day 13

£3 from Mr East for his vote and 2 guineas from Mr Slaughter for acting as a Personation Agent despite the fact that as one he had no right to vote.

Witness Type: Bribee

Witness Testimony:

  • 15509.

    (Mr. Holl.) What are you ? — A carpenter. 

  • 15510.

    Where do you live ? — King Street, Sandwich. 

  • 15511.

    Did you receive 3L from Mr. East for your vote ? — Yes.

  • 15512.

    Is that all that you received ? — I received two guineas from Mr. Slaughter as personation agent.

  • 15513.

    How long did you act as personation agent ? — All the day of the election — the polling day.

  • 15514.

    You did nothing else except act as personation agent upon that day ?  — No. 

  • 15515.

    And you got two guineas for that ? — Yes. 

  • 15516.

    I suppose that was something for acting as personation agent and something to vote, was it not ? —  I did not ask for it. 

  • 15517.

    Did you receive anything more ?  — No. 

  • 15518.

    (Mr. Jeune.) Did anybody suggest to you that as you were personation agent you ought not to vote ? — No. 

  • 15519.

    Did you know that a person employed as personation agent had no right to vote ? — I was not aware of it. 

  • 15520.

    No one told you ? — No.