Terry, Edward | Day 12

Discussed with Richard Gillow assisting in finding voters and the amounts that might be needed as the other side were paying put money. Offered to get his man Joseph Nowers to help. Thought he could engage 12 voters for £60 which Gillow arranged for him to have. More names mentioned. Testimony says he resides in London with office in London. Census shows his address as being in Margate.

Witness Type: Other

Party: Liberal

Witness Testimony:

  • 14430.

    (Mr. Holl.) What are you ? — I am a hop merchant. 

  • 14431.

    Do you reside at Sandwich ?  — Yes, and I have an office in London. 

  • 14432.

    Did you receive any money from any one to expend in connexion with the election ? — No, nothing whatever.  

  • 14433.

    Did you spend anything ? — I did not spend a penny. 

  • 14434.

    You and Mr. Gillow talked matters over ? — Yes. I should have taken no part whatever in the election, but Mr. Gillow came to me a few days before, and told me that Sir Julian Goldsmid was coming down to contest the borough, and that he was a very good sort of man, and asked me if I would take an interest in the election, and I said, “Yes, I do not mind trying to get you a few voters” ; upon which he said, “How do you think your men will go at the mills” ; and I said, “No doubt they will want a little paying. I hear there is money upon the other side, but I will send for my man and hear what he can do.” I sent for him and he came and he said he thought he could get about 12 men for 60L. 

  • 14435.

    That is Nowers ? — Yes ; he said he thought they would want about 60L., that is 5L. a-piece, and with that Mr. Gillow arranged to let him have it. 

  • 14436.

    You were aware that that money was paid to Nowers ?  — Yes, I was quite aware of it. 

  • 14437.

    Was any other money at all paid to anyone either by you, or with your knowledge ? — I did not spend a 6d. myself or treat anybody ; in fact I was generally away from home every day, and did not take any interest. 

  • 14438.

    Are there any other moneys that you are aware of having been spent ? — I know nothing of my own personal knowledge. 

  • 14439.

    But anything you have heard ? — I could not say, because I have heurd so many things. 

  • 14440.

    I must ask you to be a little more definite than that. I think you know of other moneys having been paid to different people ? — I really do not know of any other money having been paid to a single individual of my own personal knowledge. I saw this money pass, and I only heard of other moneys being passed. 

  • 14441.

    Are you not aware yourself. I do not mean that you paid it with your own hand ; of other moneys having been paid to other people, besides the 60L. given to Nowers to divide amongst your men ? — No, I have not. 

  • 14442.

    (Mr. Jeune.) You do not know now ? — No, not now, nor at any other time. I did not take any part in it.

  • 14443.

    That is not the question ?  — You ask me whether I knew of anybody who had received any money besides this man, and I say I do not know a single man. I did not see any money pass. 

  • 14444.

    Do you know at this present moment of any other money being paid to any man ? — No, nor any other moment. 

  • 14445.

    Did you know of any money being paid to William Farrier ? — I do not know him. I have heard of him, but I have not spoken to him. 

  • 14446.

    Do you know whether any money was paid to him, or not ? — I do not know at all ; in fact, as I have said, I am away from home every day, and it was only upon the morning of the election that I stayed at home and went into the COMMITTEE ROOM, and then for the first time saw Sir Julian Goldsmid and spoke to him. 

  • 14447.

    Did you give any money to a gentleman of the name of Brett ? — He is the captain of one of my father’s barges. 

  • 14448.

    Did you give any money to him ? — I think he is one mentioned in Nower’s list I did not give him a penny. 

  • 14449.

    If he is not one of the 12 bribed by Nowers did you give him anything, or do you know of his having anything ? — I do not know of my own personal knowledge that he had anything else ; in fact, I did not give anybody anything, Nowers had it to distribute. 

  • 14450.

    Besides what Nowers had to distribute are you aware of anything having been paid to Brett ? — I did hear that he had some money from the other side, but I really do not know whether it is true or not It is only hearsay. 

  • 14451.

    Did you hear that he had any other money upon your side except what he got from Nowers ? — No. 

  • 14452.

    You think that he was one of Nower’s list ? — Yes, I believe so. 

  • 14453.

    Did you call upon any other persons to ask them for their votes besides your own men that Nowers dealt with ? — I might have spoken to people about the town to ask them to vote for Sir Julian Goldsmid upon the morning of the election, but, as I have said, I took no interest. 

  • 14454.

    Upon that morning did you offer any of the persons who you canvassed any money ? — No, not a penny. 

  • 14455.

    Did you tell them it would be all right if they voted for Sir Julian Goldsmid ? — I do not think I did. I could not say whether I did or not. 

  • 14456.

    Did you make promises to persons ? — I do not think I made a single promise to a single individual. I asked them to vote for Sir Julian Goldsmid. 

  • 14457.

    You know what I mean ? — Yes, I perfectly understand what you mean. 

  • 14458.

    Did you hold out any inducement to anyone to vote for Sir Julian Goldsmid ? — No, I did not. In fact I should not have taken any part in the election but for Mr. Gillow, a brewer in Sandwich, being a very good customer of mine, and I thought I would take a little interest in it for his sake. I knew nothing of Sir Julian Goldsmid only from report, and that report I heard was very bad. I heard that he was a mean man, and a very unpopular man in his district, and that is the reason why, I believe, he polled so few votes. I do not think that Sir Julian ought to have all the say in the matter. He says it is a disgrace to represent the borough, but my opinion is that he is a disgrace to it. 

  • 14459.

    I must ask you to attend to the questions. I understand you to say you do not know of any other money being spent in Sandwich in bribery except this 60L. ? — Nothing whatever.