Nowers, Joseph | Day 12
Received £60 from Richard Gillow of which he gave 11 men £5 each and kept £5 for himself. Plus £3 from James Brett for his vote. Three of the men not listed here were paid via Benjamin Parker and are shown on his entry.
Witness Type: Briber
Party: Liberal
Witness Testimony:
- 14534.
(Mr. Turner.) I believe you are foreman to Mr. Terry ? — Yes.
- 14535.
We have heard that you had a sum of 60L. given to you ? — Yes.
- 14536.
What did you do with it ? — I spent it among 11 voters, 5L. each, and 5L. for myself.
- 14537.
Have you got a list of those voters? — Yes (handing a paper tp the Commissioners).
- 14538.
This list includes the names of the people who had the money ? — Yes.
- 14539.
Including yourself ? — Yes.
- 14540.
And that was for voting ? — Yes.
- 14541.
Had you any other money ? — I had 3L. from James Brett.
- 14542.
What for ? — For my vote.
- 14543.
Again for voting ? — Yes, but I did not receive it till some time after the election.
- 14544.
It was for voting ? — Yes, I suppose so.
- 14545.
Did you receive anything else ? — No, nothing else.
- 14546.
No other moneys ? — No.
- 14547.
Did you treat at all at the election ? — No, not a farthing.
- 14548.
Did you do anything else in connexion with the election ? — No, nothing.
- 14549.
Did anybody else that you know of treat vour men ? — No.
- 14550.
You got 5L. from Richard Gillow ? —Yes.
- 14551.
(Mr. Holl.) Did you get anything else from anyone ? — No, not a farthing.
- 14552.
I do not mean for yourself, but to distribute ? — No.
- 14553.
Did you pay anybody anything besides what you have told us ? — No.
- 14554.
Or promised anyone ? — No.
- 14555.
Did you give anything to a person of the name of J. Town, or G. Town, Church Street ? — No.
- 14556.
Or William Deverson, Church Street ? — No.
- 14557.
Or W. Lawrence, Fisher Street ? — No.
- 14558.
Or Captain Brenchley ? — No.
- 14559.
Do you know Brenchley ? — Yes, well.
- 14560.
Is he one of your men ? — He was formerly, but he has left some months.
- 14561.
You did not give anything to him, or promise anything to him ? — No.
- 14562.
Do you know of anything being given to him ? — No, I do not.
- 14563.
Did you give anything to John Kenton, Paradise Lane ? — No.