Goldfinch, Charles Stephen Brooksby | Day 12

Blamed his business failure on his supporting the Liberal cause. Later admitted his wife took £5 for renting a room to Mr Lowndes

Witness Type: Bribee

Party: Liberal

Other Days The Witness Was Called On: Day 8

Witness Testimony:

  • 14177.

    Recalled and further examined. (Mr. Jeune.) You have written a letter to us, and very properly. I understand that when you were under examination the other day there was some matter that you omitted to state ?  — Yes. 

  • 14178.

    Be so good as to state it now ? — Sometime previous to the election I received 3L. from Mr. Trollope which I have already stated, and in the meantime my wife let a room to Mr. Lowndes for 5L. 

  • 14179.

    When was that 5L. paid ? — Two days after the election. I intended to have mentioned it here, but forgot it. I have been here every day since for the purpose of stating it. I did not wish to deceive you at all. 

  • 14180.

    Besides the 5L. you have now mentioned did you receive anything else ? — No, nothing whatever, and that is the first I ever received in my life.