Beney, John James | Day 11
Witness Type: Bribee
Witness Testimony:
- 14044.
(Mr. Turner.) What are you ? — A mariner.
- 14045.
Where do you live ? — King’s Arms Alley.
- 14046.
Did you receive 3L. ? —Yes.
- 14047.
From whom ? — Mr. Henry Spears.
- 14048.
That was for your vote ? —Yes.
- 14049.
Did you receive anything else ? — No.
- 14050.
(Mr. Jeune.) Did you get any money from Mr. Chittenden ? — No.
- 14051.
None at all ? — Not a halfpenny.
- 14052.
Because Mr. Chittenden says he left some money with you ? — I should like to have the money now then. I never had a halfpenny.
- 14053.
Do you know Mr. Chittenden ? — Yes, he is a relation of mine.
- 14054.
Mr. Chittenden came here the other day and swore that he left some money with you ? — No ; I should like to have it, for I have not got none. I have not had a halfpenny, I assure you.
- 14055.
(Mr. Holl.) Did your wife get any ? — No, not a halfpenny.
- 14056.
(Mr. Jeune.) Did you do any canvassing at Mr. Chittenden’s request ? — Not the least ; not a bit.
- 14057.
What Mr. Chittenden says is this. He is asked about four men to whom he promised something, and he was asked, “Can you give us the names of those four.” He says, “I can get you the names, but I have not got them with me now. I left it to one man, John Beney, to get these four” ? — That is right. He left it with me, and I told him I should not give him a decided answer.
- 14058.
Then Mr. Chittenden did leave it to you ? — To try and get them for him, and I told him I would not give him a decided answer, but I never had no money for it, not one halfpenny.
- 14059.
Did Mr. Chittenden tell you to go and get the votes of these four men ? — Yes, that is right enough.
- 14060.
That he did do ? — He did do that.
- 14061.
Did you go to the four men, and did you promise them anything ? — No, not a halfpenny. They would not go, and nor would I.
- 14062.
You asked them to vote ? — I asked them whether they would go that side, and they said no and I said, “Well, you shall not have anything.”
- 14063.
Then you did not give them anything ? — No, because I was one of the four.
- 14064.
Did you go and tell Mr. Chittenden you had tried ? — No, I never saw him after that. I never knew anything about it until the other day.
- 14065.
You knew the three men ? — Yes.
- 14066.
Had they anything from the other side ? — They had the same as I did, 3L,
- 14067.
They had 3L from the other side ? — Yes.
- 14068.
Who were those other three men besides yourself ? — George Jarvis, Thomas Buttress, and Thomas Ashington.
- 14069.
There were three then and not four ? — Three besides myself.
- 14070.
They got their money from Mr. Spears the same as you did ? — Just the same.
- 14071.
(Mr. Holl.) What Spears is that ? — Mr. Henry Spears, who keeps the “Antwerp.”