Baker, James Wales | Day 11
Supplied both sides equally. Received orders for flags and rosettes from both sides. Orders amounted to £9 16s 10d and £9 17s.
Witness Type: Both Sides, Other
Witness Testimony:
- 13540.
(Mr. Turner.) What are you ? — A DRAPER.
- 13541.
At Sandwich ? — No, Deal, and I represent Pointer & Co.
- 13542.
What money did you receive ? — I have received none. I supplied goods to each side to an equal amount.
- 13543.
To what amount ? — To 9L. 16s. 10d. one, and 9L 17s. the other.
- 13544.
- 13545.
Is that all the moneys you have had to do with ? — Yes.
- 13546.
Has your claim been paid ? — One has the other has not.
- 13547.
Which has been paid ? — The Conservative, Mr. Roberts.
- 13548.
And the other has not ? — No.
- 13549.
You have sent it in ? — I have.
- 13550.
Is that all the moneys you have had to do with ? — Yes.
- 13551.
And all you had to do with the election ? — Yes.
- 13552.
(Mr. Jeune.) Where did the first order come from ? — A small order came from Mr. Rose.
- 13553.
That was the Liberal side ? — Yes, a small order.
- 13554.
And then did your little orders come dropping in, first from one side and then from the other, or how was it ? — Yes, they were ordered as they were required.
- 13555.
How many on either side, several ? — I think there were two orders from the Conservatives, and three or four from the Liberals.
- 13556.
You supplied as nearly as possible the same to either side. Were the amounts specified that you were to supply, or who found the amounts you were to supply on each occasion ? — There was no specified amount fixed, excepting the Conservatives. On the Conservatives side it was not to exceed 10L.
- 13557.
And did the other side say, not to exceed 10L. too ? — No.
- 13558.
Then how was it ? — They ordered what they required.