Neeve, George Henry | Day 11

Listed in Parliamentary Papers index as George Neeve.

Witness Type: Both Sides

Witness Testimony:

  • 13891.

    (Mr. Holl.) Where do you live ? — No. 2, Alfred Square. 

  • 13892.

    What did you receive ? —3L. 

  • 13893.

    From Mr. License ? — Yes. 

  • 13894.

    Was that for your vote ? — Yes. 

  • 13895.

    Did you get anything more ?  — Yes, 3L, from Mr. Joseph Brown. 

  • 13896.

    (Mr. Turner.) Was that for your vote ? — I do not know. He said I might as well have it as anybody else ; he had got it to give away. He offered it to me on the Monday evening. I said I had promised.