Deverson, William | Day 9

Asked for his vote by Mr Benjamin Longden Coleman who didn’t offer a specific sum and Deverson didn’t ask but there was a feeling he might have been given something.

Witness Type: N/A, Canvassed but not paid

Witness Testimony:

  • 10783.

    (Mr. Turner.) What are you ? — A carpenter. Chain, Sandwich.

  • 10784.

    Did you receive any money ? — No money at all.

  • 10785.

    Nothing ? — Nothing at all.

  • 10786.

    Nothing from anybody ? — No.

  • 10787.

    (Mr. Holl) Were you promised anything ? — No.

  • 10788.

    Not by Mr. Coleman ? — No, I was never promised any. Mr. Coleman asked me for my vote, I says, “All right,” and he says “Will you take anything or will you leave it to me,” and I said “I will leave it to you.”

  • 10789.

    (Mr. Turner.) And you voted ? — Yes.

  • 10790.

    And you expected something from Mr. Coleman ? — I do not know, promises are made to break. I never had anything.

  • 10791.

    Not from anybody ? — Not from anybody.

  • 10792.

    (Mr. Holl.) When you voted you thought that Mr. Coleman would give you something ? — I did not know what he meant by “leave it to me.” I suppose he meant something of that sort.

  • 10793.

    When you went and voted you thought he would give you something ? — I did not want anything, I never asked him for anything.

  • 10794.

    (Mr Turner.) You expected something after what he said ? — I might expect something some time or other.