Burton, William | Day 9

Asked to vote for Julian Goldsmid by Mr Coleman said he would be ‘all right’ after the election. but didn’t receive any money. Said he expected something but was deceived.

Witness Type: N/A, Canvassed but not paid

Party: Liberal

Witness Testimony:

  • 10984.

    (Mr. Turner) What are you ? — A fireman.

  • 10985.

    Where do you live ? — Sandwich.

  • 10986.

    What money did you receive ? — None at all.

  • 10987.

    Nothing at all ? — No.

  • 10988.

    From nobody ? — Nobody, nor yet offered none.

  • 10989.

    Did you vote ? — Yes.

  • 10990.

    Do you mean to say nobody asked you to vote ? — -I was asked to vote.

  • 10991.

    Who by ? — Mr. Coleman, and I did vote.

  • 10992.

    You were asked by Mr. Coleman to vote ; did he promise you anything if you would vote ? — All he said was it would be all right when the election was over ; nothing more than that.

  • 10993.

    And you were to vote for whom ? — For Sir Julian Goldsmid.

  • 10994.

    And have you had anything ? — Nothing at all.

  • 10995.

    I suppose you expected something ? — WeU, I do not know about that ; I expected something, but got deceived.

  • 10996.

    (Mr. Holl.) When you voted you expected something ? — Well, I do not know ; I have got a free voice. I have an opinion as well as any other gentlemen.

  • 10997.

    (Mr. Jeune.) You would have been pleased to have got something, and not much surprised ? — Oh, no. [Adjourned for a short time.]