Mead, Horatio | Day 9
Paid in 6 half-sovereigns.
Witness Type: Bribee
Party: Conservative
Witness Testimony:
- 11073.
(Mr, Jeune.) Where do you live ? — 4, Victoria Cottages, Middle Deal.
- 11074.
What are you ? — I am no occupation whatever.
- 11075.
What did you have at the election ? — I had 3L. given to me.
- 11076.
From whom ? — From Mr. Wise.
- 11077.
Was that for your vote ? — I did not ask for it. It was laid on my table.
- 11078.
When, after the election ? — No, before the election. Six half sovereigns were rolled up in a piece of paper, and was laid on my table. I voted for Mr. Crompton Roberts.
- 11079.
The 3L. was for your vote ? — It was laid on my table.
- 11080.
You thought it was for your vote at any rate ? —Yes, I did.