Wilmshurst, Thomas | Day 7
Gave money to his son, Frederick Francis Wilmshurst amongst others.
Witness Type: Briber
Party: Liberal
Witness Testimony:
- 7496.
(Mr. Holl.) What are you ? — A coachsmith.
- 7497.
Where do you live ? — 2, Portland Terrace.
- 7498.
What money did you receive ? — On my own account, 3L.
- 7499.
That was for your vote ? —No, I never received a farthing for a vote in my life.
- 7500.
What did you receive it for ? — For the hire of a room.
- 7501.
Did they have a room in your house ? — Well, I don’t think they did, not to my knowledge. That was the object. We all know the object of such things. That was the word’s name.
- 7502.
The word’s name was that you were to have 3L. for the hire of your room ? — I was asked if I had a room to let, and I said. Yes.
- 7503.
Who asked you ? — The man I received the money from.
- 7504.
Who was that ? — Mr. Ramell.
- 7505.
He asked you if you would take 3L. for the hire of your room ? — Yes.
- 7506.
They did not have the room ? — No, I do not think they did ; not while I was about at any rate.
- 7507.
You had 3L. ? — Yes.
- 7508.
You knew it was given to you for your vote, did you not ? — I suppose it was ; it was intended for that most likely.
- 7509.
You knew that at the time ; of course you did. What else did you have ? — Well, on the morning of election I met him, and he said, “Here is two or three pounds, will you take this to Mose ? ”
- 7510.
How much was that ? — 3L.
- 7511.
“Mose, junior and Frederick Wilmshurst ?” — I said Yes, and I took it and delivered it to them.
- 7512.
That was to vote ? — I do not know what it was for any more than you do. It was put into my hands, and I was asked if I would do the favour of taking it to them. I had no communication with them whatever on any subject.
- 7513.
You knew that this 3L came from Mr. Ramell ? — Yes, he gave it to me.
- 7514.
You knew he was an active party on the Liberal side ? — Yes.
- 7515.
You knew perfectly well that this money was given to them for their votes ? — I suppose it was, I could not tell ; most likely it was, but I could not tell ; I had no communication with them ; I never asked them the question.
- 7516.
What is the use of telling us such a story as that. You knew perfectly well it was for their votes, and you took the money to them ? — I took the money to them.
- 7517.
And gave it to them ? — Yes.
- 7518.
You gave 6L. to the father, Mose senior, and 3L to Frederick Wilmshurst, and they took it ? — Yes.
- 7519.
Did you tell them what it was for ? — No.
- 7520.
What did you say to them ? — I told them Mr. Ramell had sent this ; that is all I said to them, and they to me.
- 7521.
They have told us what it was for, and they took it ? — They knew what it was for.