Theobald, Thomas | Day 7

Witness Type: Bribee

Party: Liberal

Witness Testimony:

  • 6725.

    Mr. Jeune.) Where do you live ? — 11, West Street. 

  • 6726.

    What are you ? — Storekeeper to Messrs. Hills and Son. 

  • 6727.

    What money did you have at this election ? — 5L. 

  • 6728.

    From whom ? — Mr. Outwin. 

  • 6729.

    What did you do with it ? — Kept it myself. 

  • 6730.

    Was it paid to you for your vote ? — I suppose so. 

  • 6731.

    You do not know that it was paid for any else ?  — I could not resist the temptation ; it was offered to me, and I took it. 

  • 6732.

    And you voted, I suppose ?  — Yes, I voted. 

  • 6733.

    Is that all the money you received ?  — Yes. 

  • 6734.

    (Mr. Turner.) Did Mr. Outwin give it to you himself ? — Yes, 

  • 6735.

    Before the election ? — The day of the election.