Harris, Patrick | Day 7

Called to give evidence at the Petition Trial about the committee room hired for £5 by Mr. Olds for the Conservatives which was only used twice, by one or two people. His annual rent was £18.

The premises was next door to the Maxton Arms which was also hired by the Conservatives. Described as being in the country, bills were posted in some rooms that had little chance of being seen. The questions only related to the Committee room hire and didn’t go into other money he received – such as the money he received for another Committee room from the Liberals!

At the subsequent Corrupt Practices trial he began his testimony with the information that he received £26 from Mr Outwin (L), £20 of  which he spent on canvassing 5 voters. £5 was for a Committee Room which was never used and £1 for disbursements. In his evidence he said that the Liberals did not give him any bills to post in his premises but he would have done if they’d been provided.

Of the 5 men he bribed, all except Canney took bribes from John James Ralph on the Conservative side as well.

Witness Type: Both Sides, Bribee, Briber, Petition witness, Publican, Beerhouse Keeper

Party: Liberal

Witness Testimony:

  • 7164.

    (Mr. Turner.) What are you ? — A licensed victualler. 

  • 7165.

    Where do you live ? — The “Norfolk Arms,” West Street. 

  • 7166.

    What money did you receive ? — 26L. for Mr. Outwin. 

  • 7167.

    What did you do with it ? — There is the list (handing a paper to the Commissioners). 20L. of it for five voters, and there are the names on that list, and 5L. for the COMMITTEE ROOM, and 1L I spent in going round canvassing. 

  • 7168.

    I see their names are Henry Waller, William Canney, William Love, William Marsh, William Gimber, 20L, that is 4L. each ? — Yes. 

  • 7169.

    Then Harris, 6L.; is that yourself ? — Yes, 5L. for the use of the COMMITTEE ROOM, and 1L. spent — spent in going round. 

  • 7170.

    Those five men to whom you gave the 4L. apiece, what did you give it them for ? — for their votes. 

  • 7171.

    Did you tell them so ? — Yes ; and they told me they would vote. 

  • 7172.

    For the Liberal ? — Yes. 

  • 7173.

    And did they vote ? — I do not know ; they went I know. 

  • 7174.

    When did you pay them the money ? — The same day. 

  • 7175.

    After they had voted ? — Yes. 

  • 7176.

    You have not got the addresses of those five men ? — No, they live close to me in the same street. 

  • 7177.

    Could you put them down ? — I do not know the numbers, it is in West Street. 

  • 7178.

    And they live in West Street, Deal ? — Yes. 

  • 7179.

    (Mr. Jeune.) Waller as well— the whole five ? — Canney I believe lives in Union Street, Pickets Walk. 

  • 7180.

    Where do the others live ? — West Street. 

  • 7181.

    Did you receive any other money ? — I did. 

  • 7182.

    What ? — 5L. off Mr. Olds for a COMMITTEE ROOM. 

  • 7183.

    Then you let one room to each side ?  — Yes. 

  • 7184.

    One to Mr. Olds and the other to Mr. Outwin ? —Yes. 

  • 7185.

    Did they each occupy the room ?  — The Liberal party did not visit the room at all.

  • 7186.

    Did the Conservatives do you more honour ? — They came twice. 

  • 7187.

    (Mr. Turner.) Did either party put up any BILLS ? — I had BILLS up for Mr. Crompton Roberts. 

  • 7188.

    Not for the Liberals ? — No, they did not bring me any. 

  • 7189.

    (Mr. Holl.) They never brought you BILLS for them ? — No ; if they had I would have put them up. 

  • 7190.

    And the other side did send you BILLS ? — Yes ; I put them up for Mr. Crompton Roberts. 

  • 7191.

    And they came twice to your room ? — Yes. 

  • 7192.

    Is that the total you had ? — That is all.