Betts, John William | Day 7

Witness Type: Briber

Party: Conservative

Witness Testimony:

  • 7340.

    Where do you live ? — 99, Middle Street. 

  • 7341.

    I suppose you are a pilot ? — Yes. 

  • 7342.

    How much did you have ? — I received 15L. 

  • 7343.

    Who from ? — Mr. Evans. 

  • 7344.

    What did you do with it ? — I spent it. 

  • 7345.

    How, have you a list ? — Yes (handing same). 

  • 7346.

    You have written here, “I gave each of these men 3L. to vote for Mr. Crompton Roberts,” and there are five men. Is that so ? — It is. 

  • 7347.

    Is that all you received in connection with the election ? — I had 6L. to canvas. 

  • 7348.

    Who gave you that ? — Mr. Olds. 

  • 7349.

    And is that all ? — That is all.