- 0001. [Mr. Justice Lewis] Do you produce all the election accounts that have been rendered to you? — Yes, my Lord.
- 1.
(Mr. Holl.) You are the town clerk of Sandwich ? – Yes
- 2.
And have been so for a great many years ? – Yes, more than 40 years.
- 3.
I need hardly ask you whether you are very well acquainted with the borough ? – Yes, very well.
- 4.
I do not know whether your knowledge extends equally to the borough of Deal ? – No, it does not, except as part of the parliamentary borough, I know nothing of the municipal part. As far as the parliamentary borough is concerned, of course, I am perfectly acquainted with it.
- 5.
Can you tell me the extent of the parliamentary borough ; what does it comprise ? – It comprises the old seaport, now the borough, of Sandwich, and the two parishes of Deal and Walmer, which were added by the Reform Act – that is, as the borough is now constituted.
- 6.
Sandwich is a borough with a mayor and corporation ? – Yes.
- 7.
And Deal also has a mayor and corporation ? – Yes.
- 8.
And Walmer ? – That is a mere parish ; but it has a local board.
- 9.
Who is the officer in that parish ? – The clerk to the local board ; and Deal, the officer is the town clerk.
- 10.
Can you tell me what was the population of the parliamentary borough in 1861 ? – In 1861, 13,733.
- 11.
And in 1871 ? – 14,885.
- 12.
That is the whole parliamentary borough ? – Yes ; but I may say that the next census will show a considerable increase.
- 13.
Between 1861 and 1871 there was an increase of about l,000 ? – Yes.
- 14.
Do you think there will be as large an increase at the next census ? – Yes, there will be a considerable increase. Deal and Walmer are growing year by year.
- 15.
Can you tell me the number of the constituency upon the present register ? – 2,115 ; and the lists for the new register, recently revised, will show nearly 100 in excess ; next time it will be about 2,200.
- 16.
That, I presume, includes some persons who are entered twice ? – Yes, undoubtedly.
- 17.
Can you give any idea of the numbers who would be entered twice ? – No, not to be of any use. I can give you the number presently that actually polled at the last election. At a guess I should say that you might take off a hundred for duplicate entries.
- 18.
There will be some persons who are dead, or who have removed ? – Yes, of course.
- 19.
Do you think that 2,000 would be a fair estimate of the actual constituency ? – Yes, something over 2,000.
- 20.
(Mr Turner.) At the present moment ? – Yes, and that will be added to in a few months.
- 21.
(Mr Holl.) Can you tell me what numbers of the constituency are applicable to Sandwich, Deal, and Walmer, as distinguished from each other ? – The Sandwich electors, 571 ; Deal, 1,233 ; Walmer, 311, making altogether 2,115.
- 22.
How are the voters divided – some freemen, some occupiers ? – Some freemen, some occupiers, and some lodgers.
- 23.
I do not know whether you can tell us what proportion are rated as occupiers, what proportion as freemen, and what proportion as lodgers ? – The total freemen are 143, Sandwich householders 442, and one lodger; Deal, 1,217 occupiers with three lodgers ; and Walmer, 309 occupiers. If you wish it I could show you the numbers in by-gone years, and show the decrease of the freemen and increase of the householders.
- 24.
Can you tell me the numbers who polled in the election for 1868 ? – I have got the total upon the register for 1868.
- 25.
What was the constituency in 1868 ? – 1,906.
- 26.
What was the number for the Liberals ? – In 1868, Hugessen 933, Brassey 923.
- 27.
And for the Conservatives ? – 710. In that year the constituency rose very largely, in consequence of the household suffrage.
- 28.
I do not know whether you can tell us what proportion are rated as occupiers, what proportion as freemen, and what proportion as lodgers ? – The total freemen are 143, Sandwich householders 442, and one lodger; Deal, 1,217 occupiers with three lodgers ; and Walmer, 309 occupiers. If you wish it I could show you the numbers in by-gone years, and show the decrease of the freemen and increase of the householders.
- 29.
Can you tell me whether this is correct ; population in 1831 12,183, and in 1832 electors 916 ? -1,008 I make it in 1831-2.