This website tells the true story of a little-known event concerning Deal, Walmer and Sandwich that took place in the late nineteenth century.

It relates to an 1880 by-election, where unparalleled bribery and corruption took place, affecting the outcome. Following a Royal Commission enquiry lasting 21 days it was found that out of an electorate of 2115, 1850 voted, of whom 900 admitted they had been bribed and 100 admitted they had bribed. As a result, the election was declared void and the Borough of Sandwich denied the right to vote until the constituency was abolished in 1885.

The names and addresses of those called to testify are listed on these pages together with their verbatim testimonies.

The events described will be of interest to local historians, teachers and anyone with connections to Deal, Walmer and Sandwich and the testimonies in particular, to families still living in the area. If you would like more information please get in touch.

an 1880 snapshot of Deal, Walmer & Sandwich

Was one of your family living in Deal, Walmer or Sandwich at the time of the 1880 by-election or do you live or own a house in the area?

Use the box below to enter the name of someone who you think may have been involved or the Search page to look up an address or keyword.

Dover District Council Community Fund